I had some milk turning sour so I made this. I’ve made it before; it’s so easy and we really like it. It is NOT pretty; I’m sure some people’s Irish soda bread is but mine just doesn’t wind up that way.


  • Irish soda bread
  • 4 c Plain flour
  • 1 t salt
  • 1 t baking sodashopping list
  • 1 t sugar
  • 2 c buttermilk or sour milk

How to make it

  • Sieve dry ingredients into a large bowl. Scoop up
  • handfuls and allow to drop back into the bowl to
  • aerate the mixture. Add enough buttermilk to make a
  • soft dough. Now work quickly as the buttermilk and
  • soda are already reacting. Knead the dough lightly –
  • too much handling will toughen it, while too little
  • means it won’t rise properly. Form a round loaf about
  • as thick as your fist. Place it on a lightly floured
  • baking sheet and cut a cross in the top with a floured
  • knife. Put at once to bake near the top of a
  • pre-heated oven, gas mark 8, 450 degrees F, for 30-45
  • minutes. When baked, the loaf will sound hollow when
  • rapped on the bottom with your knuckles. Wrap
  • immediately in a clean tea-towl to stop the crust
  • hardening too much. **Note: Wheaten bread or Brown
  • soda is made in exactly the same way but with
  • wholemeal flour replacing all or some of the white
  • flour; this mixture will probably require less
  • buttermilk. Another aviation is to add 1/2 cup of
  • sultanas to the white bread – this loaf is known as
  • Spotted Dick. Source: The Little Irish Cookbook by
  • John Murray.